I am mushy like I am in love

I’m mushy like I’m in love

My pastor speaks in tongues

A baby in red screams

Put down your leg on the foundation of christ

I read my erotic books in church

My stomach bulged right before reuniting with a guy after two years—

let me pay your dowry

You are in a hurry

I want to be a nerd

My sister saw a video of my masturbation, she asked me why?

I haven’t had enough pleasure I answered—

Why do parents love one child more than another?

My mother answered because she knows how to answer

she knows how to love my sister more than me

My phone is getting worse

where can I get money for a new one?

My sister and I wrote in the church

She writes about God and me about a new phone

A light-skinned baby looks at me

I wonder what goes through her mind

Maybe she knows of my baby

My face is oily from looking at my feet for too long

I took a picture of my mother while she talked about children

That doctor will break your heart—

I paid for my meal and he paid for his, I have stopped drinking beer—

I’m sober

I can be bored without alcohol

My mother insults me

Foolish, stupid, evil girl you are

Nothing can control you

I knew they are talking about me before I came in

So I moved my bible to see clearly.

Buy me a soda coke

What happened to us?

Where did I go wrong?

City life is full of worries

I want to cry and wet my pillows and maybe die

My hands are getting weak from chores and staying too strong

A therapist tells me to write ten things that make me happy

I realised then that I have never been truly happy—

Money, food, sex perhaps…

Observe a minute of silence for my friend, he died a month after his wedding—

I remembered my dad too, vague, six feet, fresh

Read a book and eat coconut, love builds, and so does hate

My baby cousin showed me a shaky tooth

Let’s tangle, it takes two remember…

Don’t pay attention to that foolish girl!

My mother warns…

do I have friends?

I’m mushy like I’m in love

A green bird flew

Divine protection screams the pastor

God does not care

you hate your neighbour now he is dead

Me or the cat?

Wash your tongue or it will smell

I thought about electricity, water and God

at least I can watch porn

I wonder what goes through God’s mind

don’t you miss me Obidi?

so I got mushy again

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